Support and community spirit at the 35th Frankenwald Run

Support and community spirit at the 35th Frankenwald Run

Support and community spirit at the 35th Frankenwald Run 1435 810 Jan Rudolph

Running represents more than just a physical activity; it offers an avenue to embrace community and surmount personal boundaries. The Frankenwald Run, which took place for the 35th time on July 30, 2023, embodies these values to the highest degree. With the support of bluechemGROUP, this year’s Frankenwaldlauf transcended being a mere athletic competition, evolving into a celebration of dedication, passion, and unity.   In this blog post, we take a closer look at bluechemGROUP’s impressive sponsorship and the moving atmosphere of the 35th Frankenwaldlauf.

A tradition of running and community

For 35 years now, the Frankenwaldlauf has gathered people of all ages and fitness levels to participate in this remarkable running event. The run takes place in one of the most beautiful natural landscapes in Germany – the Frankenwald. The event brings together both passionate runners and beginners, creating a unique atmosphere of togetherness and motivation.

An impressive number of participants

With 170 male and female runners, aged between 3 and 83, taking to the starting line, the 35th Frankenwald Run was not only a sporting event, but also a symbol of inclusivity and diversity. Participants came from different generations and backgrounds to achieve their running goals together and share the joy of exercise. Once again, the organizers had to make some changes to the challenging running routes. The bark beetle is visibly destroying more and more of our beautiful spruce forest, leaving bare areas behind – frightening. And yet, it remains a run in nature with all its beauties up to the 792 meter high Wetzstein.

Overcoming limits and personal successes

The Frankenwaldlauf offers participants the opportunity to overcome their individual limits and celebrate personal successes. For some, it may be about completing the course as fast as possible, while for others, it involves conquering the distance at their own pace. Either way, the run is a place where individual goals can unfold in a supportive and inspiring environment. More than just an athletic affair, the Frankenwald Run melds lives from various walks, fostering the exchange of narratives, experiences, and motivational sagas.

With its sponsorship, bluechemGROUP has conveyed a positive message about community spirit and motivation that extends far beyond the run.