Innovation at the vocational school

Innovation at the vocational school

Innovation at the vocational school 2048 1536 Wilhelm Wust

Innovation at the vocational school

The Syke vocational training center in Lower Saxony is making a significant contribution to the future. The vocational students are now taught how to clean the automatic transmission and change the oil with our ATF EVOLUTION Premium.

As an innovative and interdisciplinary “regional competence center”, the BBS Syke EUROPASCHULE covers a broad spectrum of school and vocational training. For initial and further qualification in the field of vehicle technology, transmission cleaning and flushing is now also trained in the training workshops with our ATF EVOLUTION Premium.

Due to the constant further developments in the automotive industry, it is more and more important to show and convey the most innovative possibilities for the future working world to the mechanics of the future during their training. Jens Gesche (Key Account Manager | bluechemGROUP) and Martin Drese (Service Technician | bluechemGROUP) were invited to explain the machine in detail and demonstrate all functions on a demonstration vehicle. The vocational school teachers present: Mr. Hoormann, Mr. Bartsch, Mr. Arnold, Mr. Frese, Mr. Braun, as well as Mr. Harrie from our partner Fa. Springer, were very impressed by the safe and comfortable use and see this acquisition as a significant advance in the education of the students .

We will be happy to assist the Syke vocational school with any questions in the future and look forward to the new partnership.


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