Especially with older vehicles, mecchanics quickly give up as soon as the repair costs reach the value limit of the vehicle. But there is another way!
Dennis Popken (Sales Manager Germany – North) once again had a very special case on the lifting platform at one of his last workshop demos. The patient was a VW Polo 6N, built in 1998 with 208,000 Tkm with a total failure of the 2nd cylinder. Replacing the aging components would have cost the owner a fortune.
“These are the moments when you can proudly help your customers with our great products.”
During the demonstration in the Frank Orbat vehicle workshop in Osnabrück, Popken was able to revive the almost dead cylinder in a very short time with little material and time expenditure. After changing the oil with our engine interior cleaner (Engine Flush – P1001) and the fuel system cleaner (Fuel Line Cleaner P1101), the CarbonX combustion chamber cleaner (P4650) was used to intensively clean the entire combustion chamber in the vehicle.
When comparing the compression measurements before and after cleaning, Joshka Orbat was absolutely delighted. “Restoring a cylinder normally costs a lot of time and the customer a lot of money. I am absolutely thrilled that we have achieved such a great result with PRO-TEC products. The application not only saved us time, but also our customers a lot of money. A win-win situation for both.”
So we have won a new, satisfied customer and look forward to future cooperation.
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