The Guard Fill-Petrol keeps inlet valves, injection nozzles and combustion chambers free of coke residues, reduces friction in the engine and protects all metal surfaces from corrosion. The Guard Fill additive package reduces petrol consumption up to 3 percent and can even reduce engine out emission up to 35%. Humidity and condensed water gets removed and the upper cylinder area is well lubricated and protected. Guard-Fill keeps the engine in good condition during its entire life.
– reduces nozzle contamination
– prevents coke residues
– perfect Anti-Foam properties
– perfect corrosion protection
– elevates the octane level
– protects the fuel system from water and humidity
– improved fuel stability
– compatible with engine and fuel system materials
Application area
Motor vehicles, motorcycles and other high performance engines (e.g. ships and boats, Go-Karts, racing motors, lawn mowers, etc.)
Application nodes
Add to the fuel system before filling up.
75 ml in 80 l tank volume (Dosage ratio: 1:1000)
Treatment time
Works during operation